Celebrate a New Year Together!

Join us Sunday September 8 for Welcome Back Sunday with a special musical worship service and mark the start of Sunday Youth programs (September through June) with fellowship and refreshments in the church hall (gym) following worship. You are encouraged to invite friends, neighbours and grandchildren to join the fun!

Thank you to Brenda Barnes and musical guests Lifted (Stephen Spencer, Bryan Spencer, Kelly Berry, Jenny O’Neill, Andy O’Neill and Pete Betts) for their music ministry.

Thank you also to our live stream technical team Ian Lloyd and Randy O’Blenis.

The service will be livestreamed on St. Paul’s Facebook page and our YouTube channel.

Beginning this Sunday, mid-way through worship, young people are invited to join David-Roger at the front for time with our young people. He shares a biblical message, reinforced with a story or fun activity, and a prayer, then young people go upstairs for a brief Christian Education lesson and related craft or activity led by one of our dedicated volunteers.

Once a month, we have games in the gym. We weave drama/ musical performances, gardening, and community service into our time together. We welcome all children and young people from the community to join us on Sunday’s for our Sunday Youth Program for all ages! For more information, please contact Natalie.leslie@hotmail.com or call 506-872-1213.

A quick note about Natalie’s professional role with the Government of NB. Do you need assistance navigating Everything Early Years – Contact Natalie at EYFN.ASDE@gnb.ca or 506-869-7197 for additional information about birth to school entry programs and services.