Digging Deeper for Lent

Beginning Thursday March 6, Join David-Roger Gagnon for a Lenten Study, Thursday Evenings, beginning 7 pm to 9 pm during Lent.

Please contact 506-386-3335 or DRGagnon@nb.aibn.com to express interest or add your name to the sign up sheet in the church foyer.

Digging Deeper…

Rather than give something up for Lent, why not add something nourishing to your spiritual life?

Digging Deeper is a 6-week long exploration of faith that invites us to consider portions of the United Church’s Song Of Faith, and episodes of the series “The Chosen”.

Each week’s 2-hour in-person session will include time for prayer, time for reflection, time for sharing and time for fellowship.  This will be held at St. Paul’s.

The program was developed by and will be animated by David-Roger Gagnon.

The focus sessions will include the following themes:

  • Embodiment\Incarnation
  • Love & Justice Without Borders
  • The Christ Crucified in Human Suffering
  • LIFE Has the Final Word!
  • That Which Binds Us
  • The One Who Transforms

To learn more about the Song Of Faith:  https://united-church.ca/community-and-faith/welcome-united-church-canada/faith-statements/song-of-faith-2006

To learn more about the series “The Chosen”:  https://watch.thechosen.tv

For more information, or to sign up to take part, please contact David-Roger Gagnon at:  DRGagnon@nb.aibn.com or (506)386-3335. 

Looking forward to Digging Deeper together!